The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

I wrote a response to Jack Stuef's BuzzFeed article about me

This is my response to an article Jack Stuef wrote about me for BuzzFeed.

I wrote a response to Jack Stuef's BuzzFeed article about me

Posted December 10, 2012
Jack Stuef's birthday card for Trig Palin

Note: As you may have noticed, I didn't link to the original BuzzFeed article in this post. I did this because BuzzFeed contributors are often paid on a per-page view basis, meaning the more traffic that's delivered to the post the more money Jack Stuef will make off it. I'm guessing since the whole "down syndrome joke" incident times have been a bit tough for Jack, and I'm not inclined to give him a ton of traffic and further his career in journalism.

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