The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Vote for me to speak at SXSW

I want to speak at SXSW about nipple hair, my intense dislike of porta potties, and how I wish Nikola Tesla was my crazy uncle. Vote for me!

Vote for me to speak at SXSW


I want to speak at SXSW next year about nipple hair, my intense dislike of porta potties, and how I wish Nikola Tesla was my crazy uncle. The conference this year is also going to coincide with the release of my new book, so there's gonna (hopefully) be an Oatmeal party in Austin complete with petting zoo / chainsaw juggling. SXSW has a voting system that partially determines who gets to speak and I'd appreciate it if any oatmeal fans out there could give me a vote.

Vote for The Oatmeal here

Also, a friend of mine is hoping to present about geeky art stuff and I'd love it if he got chosen to speak, so if your mouse finger isn't feeling too sleepy give him a vote as well.
AND if your mouse finger isn't completely exhausted by now, vote for me to speak on another friend's panel about humor in design.

Hi. I'm a cartoonist.

My Netflix Series is now streaming! Go watch it!

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