The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal


Are your loved ones plotting to eat you? 8 Ways to Tell if Your Loved Ones Plan to Eat You How long could you survive on the surface of the sun? How Addicted to Facebook Are You? 7 Reasons to Keep Your Tyrannosaur OFF Crack Cocaine The 6 Types of Crappy Hugs The Twitter Spelling Test The Zombie Bite Calculator How many tapeworms could live in your stomach? 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth The 5 Phases of Caffeine Intake How many baboons could you take in a fight? (armed only with a giant dildo) How addicted to Twitter are you? How long could you survive after punching a bear in the balls? The 6 Phases of a Tapeworm's Life

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