The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

The teaser trailer for my Exploding Kittens Netflix series just dropped!

After four years of work, I am finally sharing one minute of glorious footage!

The teaser trailer for my Exploding Kittens Netflix series just dropped!


The teaser trailer for my upcoming Exploding Kittens Netflix Series just dropped! I've spent the past four years working on this show, and I'm so excited to finally show you one minute of glorious footage. It's being produced by Mike Judge (Beavis and Butthead, Silicon Valley) and Greg Daniels (The Office, King of the Hill, Parks and Rec). It stars Tom Ellis as Godcat. The show is about God being fired from his job and forced to live in the body of a cat on Earth. Satan is also fired and sent to Earth in a cat's body. The two live next to each other. In short, it's a show about Satan versus the antichrist, but in cat form.

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