The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

For the next 7 days I'm donating 100% of profits from book sales to the Japan Relief Fund

This week 100% of book sale profits will go to the Japan relief fund.

For the next 7 days I'm donating 100% of profits from book sales to the Japan Relief Fund

Posted April 1, 2011

Update: The 7 days are up! Thanks for everyone who contributed. I'll post sales figures as soon as I have them.

I realize I'm super late to the game on this, but I figured it's better late than never to help out. For the next seven days, my publisher and I are donating 100% of profits from book sales to the Japan Relief Fund.

Also, the price dropped back down on Amazon and you can currently get the book for $8.99. It's discounted on as well.

It's also at other online outlets for as low as $7.75, although the prices tend to roll up and down so you have to keep an eye out. You can also pick one up in-person at a Barnes and Noble retail location or a variety of other places. I'll be counting sales from today, April 1 until next friday April 8. Sales will be counted from everywhere, including overseas purchases as well as digital formats such as iBooks.

Full book details here

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