The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal is coming to San Francisco (for reals this time)

I'm doing two more book signings in April; one in Seattle and one in San Francisco.

The Oatmeal is coming to San Francisco (for reals this time)


Update: The theater has sold out, but you can still attend if you want to meet me and get a book signed.
Since my Palo Alto event was a bit out of the way, I've decided to do one more book signing in downtown San Francisco. It's on April 16 in Japan Town at the New People VIZ Cinema.

The VIZ Cinema

Important: you need to read this if you're planning on attending

At my book signings I give a short presentation along with a slideshow of funny things. The SF signing is taking place in a theater which only has a limited number of seats, so in order to see the presentation and participate in Q&A, you have to buy a ticket here (Update: event is sold out) which gets you a copy of my book. Upon arrival tell them your name and they'll have your copy on-hand and you'll be given a wristband which will get you into the presentation. This enables us to save seats for people who purchase a book. Also, in addition to books I'll have other merchandise on sale at the event, including shirts, stickers, posters, and coffee mugs.


If you don't register, however, you can still attend

If you don't register you can still attend and get your stuff signed, you just won't be able to go into the theater to watch the presentation. You'll just have to get in the book signing line afterwards, which should start at around 3:45 - 4pm.


  • Presentation starts at 3pm but you have to buy a ticket to attend (update: event has sold out), which gets you a copy of my book.
  • If you don't get a ticket, you can still go and get your stuff signed, you just won't be able to squeeze into the theater to see the presentation.
  • 12pm Oatmeal merchandise starts selling in the lobby
  • 2:30pm Doors open
  • 3pm - 4:00pm Oatmeal Presentation and Q&A for ticket-holders
  • 4pm - General book signing, open to the public


Saturday, April 16th, 3pm


New People VIZ Cinema
1746 Post St,
San Francisco, CA 94115
Parking info

Register to attend

Register here. (update: event has sold out) This gets you a copy of The Oatmeal book which you can pick up on-site and acts as your ticket to the 3pm presentation

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