The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Come spend the day with me at Pixar

Get tickets to hang out with The Oatmeal at Pixar for the day

Come spend the day with me at Pixar


This Saturday, November 10th Pixar is holding a benefit to raise money for the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. The event is held at Pixar's studios in Emeryville, California from 3pm - 8pm.

Event details here.

The good

  • You get to tour the studio's main gallery and view pre-production artwork from Brave.
  • Pixar artists will be on hand conducting drawing demonstrations
  • You can purchase special Pixar apparel and merchandise at the Studio store as well as bid on original and signed art by Pixar animators
  • The event also features presentations by several Pixar creators on the making of Finding Nemo 3d and PartySaurus Rex in Pixar's state-of-the-art theater hosted by y Dr. Michael B. Johnson.
  • Q&A sessions with various filmmakers from Pixar, including Ralph Eggleston (Finding Nemo Production Designer, Academy Award-winning director of For the Birds), Steve May, (Finding Nemo Production Lead for Sharks & Sydney, Pixar CTO), Jim Capobianco, (Finding Nemo Story Artist, Director of Your Friend the Rat), and a bunch more wonderfully talented people.
  • I'll also be in attendance and I'll draw a terrible picture for you if you ask nicely.

The bad

It's this Saturday, November 10th in San Francisco, which is very short notice. I only recently became aware of this event otherwise I would have posted about it sooner and had some kind of contest on my website to win tickets.

The ugly

Tickets are $500 a piece

The not-so-bad-or-ugly

For the cost of an iPad you'll get to have an amazing life experience. If you're a creative individual like myself, touring Pixar is the equivalent of an engineer getting to go water-skiing behind NASA's Endeavor.

AND it's for a great cause; you're helping keep the doors of a cartoon museum open.

Purchase tickets here

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