The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

10 Free Fonts Used by The Oatmeal

A list of fonts used on this website.

10 Free Fonts Used by The Oatmeal


This is a list of the fonts most commonly used on my website along with links to download them. The first few are handwritten and primarily used in speech bubbles, and the rest are used for headlines and other copy.

This is the handwritten font I use the most, created by Kimberly Geswein

Sample use:

Also by Kimberly Geswein

Sample use:

Created by the wonderful Exljbris Font Foundry. I also use this font in my logo.

Sample use:

Also by the Exljbris Font Foundry

Sample use:

note: download link has been removed at the request of the font creator Comes pre-installed on most operating systems

Sample use:

Sample use:

note: download link has been removed at the request of the font creator This comes pre-installed on most Mac computers, you might have to search around for Windows though. I use this as my default font on as well.

Sample use:

Sample use:

note: download link has been removed at the request of the font creator

Sample use:

Sample use:

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