The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

Upcoming Oatmeal Events

A list of upcoming places I'll be.

Upcoming Oatmeal Events

San Diego Comicon, July 20th - 21th

For the third year running, I was unable to get any kind of table or booth at San Diego Comic-Con, but Wacom and my publisher were kind enough to let me use their booths for a few hours on Saturday and Sunday to do live drawings and signings.

SDCC Saturday, July 20
10am - Noon, Wacom booth #5336. Wacom was kind enough to let me hang out in their booth for a few hours, so I'm going to be doing live-drawings on a Wacom tablet. Show up early if you want a drawing.

5pm - 6pm, Universal uClick booth #1503.
I'll be giving out free, SDCC-exclusive prints at my publisher's booth and signing them.

SDCC Sunday, July 21
10am - 11am, Universal uClick booth #1503.
I'll be giving out free, SDCC-exclusive prints at my publisher's booth and signing them.

11am - 2pm The Oatmeal Booth #2000 Badass Ben was kind enough to let me take over his table on Sunday, so I'll be in booth #2000 until around 2pm. I don't have any merchandise to sell, but I'll be drawing free pictures and giving out bumper stickers.

Again, the amount of signing time I was able to secure at SDCC is incredibly limited so be sure to show up early if you want a drawing or signature.

Also, If anyone can help us secure a booth or table for 2014, please email

Or if anyone is interested in splitting a table with us for 2014, let us know. In all the previous comic-cons we've attended, there's typically a line hundreds of people deep that lasts all day, every day that the con is running. I am not telling you this to make myself sound awesome, I'm telling you this because if you split a table with me it will mutually benefit both of us.

New York Comic-Con, October 2013

I'll be at NYCC again this fall. Details TBA.

Denver Comic-Con, June 2014

Hooray for Colorado! I'm headed to Denver Comic-Con next year and I'll have a booth fully loaded with all kinds of Oatmeal merchandise and other enchantifying(?) wonders!

Past events


The Indiegogo SXSW party

Join me and the wonderful people from Indiegogo at SXSW for some booze and food.
Tech Zulu Trend Lounge, Hilton Garden Inn 18th floor, 500 N Interstate 35
Monday, March 11th, 5:30pm to 7:30pm

The Oatmeal SXSW Keynote

I'm keynoting SXSW this year.
Exhibit Hall 5, Austin Convention Center.
Tuesday, March 12. 2pm - 3pm.

The Oatmeal SXSW book signing

I'm signing copies of my book at SXSW
Ballroom D Foyer, Austin Convention Center.

Tuesday, March 12. 3:20pm

Seattle, March 1-3rd Emerald City Comicon Booth #1202

Booth #1202
Washington State Convention Center
Seattle, WA

March 1-3rd


I'll have a booth at ECCC 2013, selling and signing merch.

New York City, Jan. 5th Tesla Spirit Award Benefit

Grand Ballroom, New Yorker Hotel

6pm - 8pm
Tuesday, Jan 5th, 2013


From the event website:
Please join us at Tesla Spirit Awards Benefit Reception endorsed by HRH Prince Philip of Serbia (the son of HRH Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia) and honoring Jane Alcorn, President of the Tesla Science Museum on Long Island, NY. Designed to include benefactors, sponsors and willing contributors supporting the Tesla Science Foundation’s vision, programs and projects are committed to promoting the message - “Why Tesla Matters”. The event program will include a number of prominent speakers, dignitaries, artists and distinguished individuals who have been designated to receive this year’s Tesla Spirit Awards.
Event details and signup form are here

Denver, Dec. 4th Best Western Denver Groundbreaking Ceremony / Dinosaur Extravaganza

Best Western Denver Southwest
3440 South Vance Street
Lakewood, CO 80227

Tuesday, December 4th at 10am


Long story short: while I was running the Tesla Museum campaign, I offered a perk that if you donated $33,333 I would blog about your website or business on One of those donors was the Best Western Denver Southwest, and the owner is currently renovating his hotel and turning it into a crazy paleontology-dinosaur-themed hotel. The groundbreaking ceremony that will begin the renovation is taking place and he's trucking in some impressive dinosaur statues and other neato dinosaur things. I plan on attending the ceremony so I can check out the hotel and write about it later. I won't be selling any merch, but I'll sign anything you bring to the ceremony (books, cats, napkins, boobs, etc). Or you're welcome to just hang out and eat food.

Seattle, Dec. 6th Geekwire Gala

McCaw Hall, Seattle Center

Thursday, December 6th, 5:30 PM-8:30 PM


GeekWire is throwing a big tech party and I'll be there telling jokes about shampooing bears. Details here.

Seattle, Dec. 7th Fremont First Friday Art Walk at The Oatmeal's office

707 N. 35th street #B
(corner of 35th and Fremont, tiny door to the right of the 35th Street Bistro).
Seattle, WA 98103

Friday, December 7th 2012 from 6-9pm


I'm participating in the Fremont Art Walk and opening up my office to the public. If you live in Seattle and want to buy some Oatmeal merch for Christmas, I'll be there selling and signing prints, books, and tons of other goodies. There will also be wine and tasty snacks.
The organizers of the Art Walk are also having a Lenin statue lighting at 5pm, which is a few hundred feet from our office door, so if you enjoy watching a giant communist illuminated in glowing orbs, be sure to show up at the Lenin statue around that time.
You can view a full lineup and map of all the businesses participating in the art walk here.
There may also be a Fremont pub crawl afterward if anyone is up for it.
I also set up a Facebook event page here.

Fall Book Tour

Tour dates have been announced and can be viewed here

New York Comicon 2012

Where: New York, New York
When: Oct 11 - 14, 2012
I'll be attending as an exhibitor and celebrating the release of my new book. I'm at booth #1061. View Map

San Diego Comicon 2012 CANCELLED

Where: San Diego, California
When: July 12 - 15, 2012
I tried to apply for a table but we were put on a waiting list that's apparently 3-5 years long. If anyone out there can help us get admission, please shoot us an email. I'd love to be there as an exhibitor, artist alley, or speaker. I'll even settle for a folding table and chair near the Honey Buckets outside.

Update: I got a table at San Diego Comic Con in the web comics section! See you there, bitches!

Update 2: Cancel that. My table ended up not working out, and I won't be attending SDCC this year. Sorry folks, I'll try to get in again next year.

Emerald City Comicon 2012

Where: Seattle, Washington
When: March 30 - April 1, 2012
I'll be an exhibitor in booth 705 and will selling merch, signing books, and drawing pictures of overweight mammals.

Webstock 2012

Where: Wellington, New Zealand
When: Feb. 14-16, 2012
Web-designer-turned-comic-artist Matthew Inman (AKA The Oatmeal), will talk about how he makes things on the web that are highly likable. His talk will include various tips, tools, and ideas for generating and promoting great content. There will also be poop jokes.
Also, I'll be in New Zealand for around 10 days and I wouldn't mind doing an impromptu book signing / beer or coffee drinking somewhere. If anyone is interested shoot me a tweet.

Horrible Therapist

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